He turned my life around!

That one glass of Coca Cola last night at KFC got me.  It was already past 12 midnight this morning when I suddenly remembered Rica Joy and Nap’s prophetic words during the 2010 prophetic service. I had just resigned from the University of the Philippines’ Marine Science Institute (UP MSI), without a job, broken and broke and with a BIG question for God:  “Lord, what do YOU really want me to do?”  Then, I was already ready to ask Him that and to obey.  I had ran away from teaching for tooooo loooong. No different from Jonah, I guess.

And so I leafed through the pages of last year’s journal and I found the words that God gave through Rica Joy.  In it were His promises that I would come to know and see what His plans were for me.  It wasn’t only for 2010 but it would continue up to 2011 and 2012.  Nap also spoke to me that 2010 was either the year I stepped into my destiny or I’d miss it and there would be another delay.  Hopeless was one word that described me that time.  I had called several schools from USC, CNU, STC, CIE, CIC and even CDU.  No available teaching positions.  No open doors but then I didn’t want just any job either.  I now wanted what God wanted for me this time even if it meant a teaching job.  Try as I might to deny it I knew He had called me to teach.

In the Bible, Lot’s wife got into a whole lot of trouble when she looked back.  She froze in time.  But today, I look back because my heart is grateful at how God has brought me to where He wanted me to be.  His way, His time and His plan.  I didn’t even have a hand in it except to jump in and obey.

When I said “yes” to His plan, doors suddenly opened.  Discovery Camp to teach young kids and just this year, at St. Theresa’s College to teach young people.  As I am wont to say in my posts, teaching is a privilege and a blessing.  I now see that.

with my friend, Ann, helping me out as a chaperone for my class' photowalk activity (my smile looks as if I just received 1M pesos for shopping!)

 On the pages of last year’s journal, I had written some of the organizations that I had dreamed of working in.  These were the orgs (in no particular order) that I wanted to work in:  ADB, UNDP, UN, the World Bank, Ayala Foundation and Museum, NEDA, Congress (as a researcher), Cebu City Mayor’s Management Team and even the Malacanang Presidential Management Staff.  I wanted to do it my way but every door was closed.  When I finally surrendered and let go of all these dreams of serving in the government and public sector through NGOs and civil society orgs, doors opened.  Kingdom Irony 101:  When you lose your life for Him, you’ll find it.  🙂 haha!

 {what’s left of the group after my Philippine History class’ photo walk activity along Colon St. this afternoon 🙂 }

When we obey there’s joy, peace and a feeling that everything just falls into place.  Yes, the dream of serving in the government and the public sector is still there but it’s in His hands.  He can give and He can take it away.  All I know is that I am blessed to have known my students last year and this year in Discovery Camp, my students this semester at ST. Theresa’s College and the teachers I work with.  I don’t know what lies ahead next semester or next year but my future is secure in His hands now.

{i will miss these young people after this semester. so glad to have been a part of their lives}

divine appointments 🙂

my so called organized life


{Who says organizing can be drab? Got this from here}

Okay, I’m sharing these ‘coz maybe it’ll help you too.  I downloaded these forms since this semester…

  • I’ll be teaching preschoolers in the morning;
  • some computer classes and creative writing in some afternoons during the week’
  • one Philippine History class for college students’
  • prepare lessons for my Bible study ladies;
  • go to school during Saturdays (whole day as in the whole day) as a DPE student;
  • some other commitments on the side (volunteering).

Whew!  So Lord, help me to organize my day, my week, my month and my sem.  I want You to lead me.  🙂 

P.S. – I had a joyful, fruitful and blessed day today.  Thank You.


Check out more organizer forms at Get Buttoned Up.  They look so colorfully yummy!

And here’s a monthly spending form that’s easy on the eyes, too.


Blessed weekend!

Hard Things. Just Do It. by Alex and Brett Harris

He's a Mighty Warrior

{via Pinterest}

Life is not perfect.  One day it can be full of sunshine and happy thoughts, the next day full of drizzles and puddles.  Still, whether it’s sunshine or the drizzles, there is still One thing that remains constant:  Jesus and His unfailing love.

This morning, everyone was out of sorts and totally shaken when we got to work and found something shocking and “violating”, so to speak.  Thank God no one got hurt but everyone felt distraught and violated.

But God.  But God showed me another side of it.  Through that incident we forgot about our personality differences and quirks and set them aside to focus on the situation.  Our boss was also grace under pressure at its best.

M., thank you for your example.  Lord, thank You that You are still in control.  Everything happens for a reason.  So use everything to bring You glory. ♥

Life is beautiful when you have Jesus.  Happy weekend gurls!

Cupcake photos really make me smile!

{via here}

Arms Wide Open


At the start of 2011, I asked God for specific strategies on how I could turn this nation to Him.  It’s interesting how His ways can be so opposite ours.  We think He moves in a certain way but He never fails to surprise us.  God gave me very practical ways (in addition, to the spiritual strategies) for reaching the people around me.  I had a good laugh but it was sobering for me, too.

Here are the ways He gave me:

1. Be EARLY.  Okay, I confess I come in late more often than desired.  His hand of conviction was on my heart about this.  If I can’t be faithful with the small but important things, how can I be trusted with the bigger things?  Good thing God helps you honor your desire to obey Him when you choose to.:)

2. Excellence and honor.  Honor your boss and workmates.  Do everything with excellence.  My good friend Mitzil said that she believes this is important to God because the people in our workplace can’t see our hearts raised up to God but they will believe that God is in us through our actions.

3.  Pray, pray and pray.  For my co-teachers, for my students, for my boss, the parents and the people around me.  My loved ones, friends and my cell group.  And most of all, He impressed on me the urgency and importance of praying for my leaders.  Pray and intercede for this city and the Philippines.


First day at work and I clocked in at exactly 7:13am way earlier than my 7:59am goal. 🙂 Thank You, Jesus! I love it!  Please keep me this early every day.  The two week break was   a good one.  I feel refreshed, energized and roaring to go see my kids again tomorrow.

Whatever you do, do it with all your heart as working unto the Lord and not for men.