happy weekend! {teaching thoughts}

If you’re a teacher you can probably relate with me on this.  Have you ever wondered – while you’re giving a lecture and looking at your students listen to you some with feigned attentiveness, some with real attention on your subject and some not caring at all about the subject – how to get them to go beyond the subject and relate it to life?  This week, the same question kept running through my mind “Lord, how do I teach these college students to love this nation?”  Tonight while I was typing those words another line haunted me:  “Lord, does my life and teaching lead my students to You?”  This question started coming back to me after I read an online article about Finding God in the Classroom in a Christian education website.

Lord, I want to put a smile on Your face by my teaching.  Help me to connect with these students and to leave an eternal legacy to them not just about History but moreso about You and the things that really matter.

By the way, I love the movie Freedom Writers.  I got to watch it again this morning in my Educ class and it still moved me to tears.  I want to be a teacher who can touch hearts and bring them to God and impart a love for this nation.  I believe with all my heart that it is only when hearts are changed by God that this nation will see change and real development.  So Lord, give me eyes and wings though I know much of the battle will first have to be won on my knees.